Prototyping workshop at UGR Emprendedora
Chema Nov. 14, 2018
entrepreneur prototyping startup workshop
Our CTO teaches within the UGR Entrepreneur Talent program, the workshop on prototyping business ideas. The objective is to motivate the entrepreneur and provide the necessary tools so that he can begin to shape his project.
Talent program
It is a program organized by UGR Emprendedora that seeks to turn ideas into real business projects.
One of its strengths is that they opt self-employment projects and/or that they can start with little funding and grow with their clients (bootstrap).
A design thinking methodology is used where lean tools, business canvas model, hypothesis validation, etc.
The recipients of the course are members of the university community of the UGR. Whether students, teachers, ...
The program is consolidated and goes for its 4th edition.
This edition runs from October 24 to December 13 and takes place in the new Breaker entrepreneurship space.
The workshops are:
Creativity Workshop
Business Models Workshop
Design Thinking
Prototyping workshop
Metric Workshop
Human Resources Workshop. The team
Market Analysis Workshop
Marketing Workshop
Accounting and Finance Workshop
Business Model Review Workshop
Communication Workshop, elevator pitch
Our CTO, JM Robles, participates from the first edition giving the prototyping workshop.
The workshop
The duration of the prototyping workshop is 4 hours.
During these 4 hours the different types of prototypes are explained and what tools are within our grasp and are able to execute them.
Instead of having the typical presentation, a collaborative Excel (shared in Google Drive) is used, where the different tools are classified by area.
The Excel is released under Apache 2.0 license and at least it is updated once per workshop session.
The main areas are: business modeling, Internet domain registration, trademark and patent registrations, resources to learn programming, tools to create demonstration videos, tools for circuit design and manufacture, landing page development, etc.
You will find the link to Excel below.
UGR Emprendedora: Prototyping tools
The workshop ends with a live demonstration of how to easily create a landing page and upload it on the Internet for free.
The results
We believe that the workshop has been a success. The participants have actively taken part in the workshop and asked about their concerns and problems.
We always go with the batteries recharged. The energy and illusion are contagious and we like to know that we can help a little to achieve your business goals.
In these days you should create a landing page that contains an introductory video where the problem is shown and how your value proposal solves it. You must also include a contact form and it is recommended to contain a survey for potential clients.
We look forward to seeing the results during the mentoring meeting. Surely they surprise us with great prototypes.
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